Friday, May 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by mujdeoz

Finally I am back. I am sure everyone who has checked my page realized that I have not added new posts recently. In China, like Youtube, blogs are also blocked. Thanks to my friend, I found a way to go in my page. Now, I can view. Yuppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Of course, we had many things in agenda. Eurovision 2009, has not been resulted like we hoped. Due to the time difference, I made my schedule to stay awake till dawn. However, I could also resist until 02:30. This is the hardest side of being in China. I always followed the national matches setting my alarm. At first, I thought Hadise has a big chance since her contestants were not that good. Despite everything, Hadise really showed a very good performance. Instead of Dum Tek Tek song,another song could bring us a better result, but for sure, 4th place is not that bad. Congratulations Hadise!

This weekend, I baked Brownie which is the only cake I bake since I am 6. To tell the truth, this cake tastes delicious even when it is raw. As a matter of fact, that is how I showed interest to learn how to make it, at the age of 6. My mum always shared for me and my younger brother a small portion. We always dipped it until the plate is spotless. Now, I can understand my dear mother very well. How much more you share, how small your cake gets. :) Now I am giving the same struggle!! with my hubby. The size of my cake is therefore, a little smaller than the given amounts.So, I had to use a rectangular mould instead of the big round one. It was really fun to eat it unbaked. :))

In general, the Brownies are made with chocolates which of course gives a delicious taste. But my recipe is lighter than the one with chocolate.


125 gr. unsalted butter (room temperature)
3 eggs
2 cups flour
1,5 cups sugar
1/4 cup cacao
16 gr. baking powder
10 gr. vanillin
2 teaspoon cinnamon
180 ml milk
24 cm. clamp cake mold ( covered with wax baking paper)

How to make it?:

Preheat the oven to 180C. Prepare your mold placing a baking paper. In a deep bowl, mix the dry ingredients flour, cacao, cinnamon, baking powder and vanillin. Keep it aside. 

I used a stand mixer to mix the sugar with butter in room temperature. Make sure the sugar and butter melts completely. Add the eggs one by one and mix until you get a light yellow color. Please remember to mix always in the same direction. Add the dry ingredients mixture, you have prepared earlier. The consistency will be intensive until you add in the milk. Pour the mixture in the mold and put it in the oven. The first 20 minutes, avoid opening the oven cover. Total baking period is around 35 minutes.

Note: I am having some problems about adding the photos like I want. I will keep on like this until the blog restriction is over.


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